[. . . ] Do not place any sources of danger on the DSSDUDWXV HJ OLTXLG ÀOOHG REMHFWV OLJKWHG candles). notice The making of unauthorized copies of copySURWHFWHG PDWHULDO LQFOXGLQJ FRPSXWHU SURJUDPV ÀOHV EURDGFDVWV DQG VRXQG UHFRUGLQJV PD\ EH DQ LQIULQJHPHQW RI copyrights and constitute a criminal offence. Windows Media and the Windows logo DUH WUDGHPDUNV RU UHJLVWHUHG WUDGHPDUNV RI Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. This apparatus includes this label: Recycling Your product is designed and manufactured ZLWK KLJK TXDOLW\ PDWHULDOV DQG FRPSRQHQWV which can be recycled and reused. [. . . ] 8 9 REAR AUX LINE OUT R (Socket) REAR AUX LINE OUT L (Socket) Tip The pin arrangement for the ISO connectors depends on the type of vehicle you drive. 4 Install the sleeve into the dashboard and EHQG WKH WDEV RXWZDUG WR À[ WKH VOHHYH Note Mount into the dashboard 1 If the car does not have an on-board drive RU QDYLJDWLRQ FRPSXWHU GLVFRQQHFW WKH negative terminal of the car battery. , I WKH XQLW LV QRW À[HG E\ VOHHYH EXW E\ WKH VXSSOLHG VFUHZV VNLS WKLV VWHS 53mm 1 2 Connector ANTENNA FRONT LINE OUT R (Socket) FRONT LINE OUT L (Socket) REAR LINE OUT R (Socket) REAR LINE OUT L (Socket) OE REMOTE (Purple) TEL MUTING (Blue) Connect to Antenna Front right speaker Front left speaker Rear right speaker Rear left speaker OE Remote To cellular phone system Rear Aux right Rear Aux left 183 mm EN 11 Eng l i s h If you disconnect the car battery in a car that has an on-board drive or QDYLJDWLRQ FRPSXWHU WKH FRPSXWHU may lose its memory. 5 mm 18 3m m 5 Place the supplied rubber cushion over the end of the mounting bolt. Attach the front panel 1 2 3 6 Slide the unit into the dashboard until you hear a click sound. Insert the right side of the panel in the chassis until it is correctly engaged. Press the left side of the panel until the mechanism locks it into place. When the remote control is QRW XVHG IRU ORQJ SHULRGV UHPRYH WKH EDWWHULHV Perchlorate Material - special handling may apply. Select country/region Note 6HOHFW FRUUHFW FRXQWU\UHJLRQ IRU WKLV XQLW RWKHUZLVH the unit can not work properly. Rotate to select an option: [USA] (United States) [LATIN] (Latin America) [EUROPE] (Western Europe) [RUS] (Russia) [M-EAST] (Middle East) [ASIA] $VLD 3DFLÀF [JAP] (Japan) [AUST] (Australia) WR FRQÀUP )RU ÀUVWWLPH XVH Remove the protective tab to activate the remote control battery. To replace the remote control battery: 1 2 3 Open the battery compartment. Select tuner region You can select suitable country/region of the radio. Rotate to select: [USA] (United States) [LATIN] (Latin America) [EUROPE] (Western Europe) [RUS] (Russia) [M-EAST] (Middle East) [ASIA] $VLD 3DFLÀF [JAP] (Japan) [AUST] (Australia) WR FRQÀUP 4 Press Select tuner sensitivity To receive more radio stations or only stations ZLWK VWURQJ VLJQDO \RX FDQ DGMXVW WKH WXQHU sensitivity. 14 EN 1 2 Rotate to select a setting: [LOCAL ON] (local on): Only stations with strong signal can be broadcast. [LOCAL OFF] (local off): Stations with strong and weak signals can be broadcast. The RDS (Radio Data System) function operates only in areas with FM stations broadcasting RDS signals. If you tune to an RDS VWDWLRQ WKH VWDWLRQ QDPH DUH GLVSOD\HG Turn on RDS Note Store radio stations in memory You can store up to 6 stations in each band. Repeatedly until [RDS] is Store stations automatically 1 2 , Q 5DGLR PRGH SUHVV DQG KROG DBB until [STORE - - -] is displayed. Press WR FRQÀUP » The six strongest stations of the selected band are saved in preset channel automatically. Select program type %HIRUH WXQLQJ WR 5'6 VWDWLRQV \RX FDQ VHOHFW program type and let the unit search only for programs of the selected category. Press repeatedly until [PTY] is 1 2 Tune to a station that you want to store (see `Tune to a radio station' on page 14). WR FRQÀUP to Rotate WR VHOHFW D W\SH WKHQ SUHVV FRQÀUP Program type NEWS AFFAIRS INFO SPORT EDUCATE DRAMA Description News services Politics and current affairs Special information programs Sports Education and advanced training Radio plays and literature EN Tune to a preset station 1 2 Press BAND to select band. [. . . ] (QVXUH WKDW WKH &' LV D ÀQDOLVHG &' CD-R/CD-RW. Ensure that the CD is not encoded with copyright protection technologies. The CD skips tracks 7R NHHS WKH ZDUUDQW\ YDOLG QHYHU WU\ WR UHSDLU the system yourself. If you encounter problems when using this DSSDUDWXV FKHFN WKH IROORZLQJ SRLQWV EHIRUH requesting service. [. . . ]